To View your Events List
- Login to WordPress
- Select Events from near the top of the black side menu to show a list of current events
- Hover over the title of an event to show options to edit and move to the trash
To Add an Event
- To add an event select Add New from the top of the events page or from the Events sub menu in the black side bar
- Enter your event information into the form. Many of the fields are optional and may not be required. You don’t need to worry about the Yoast SEO section or anything below that.
- Once you have finished, click the Publish button in the Publish panel on the top right hand side of the page
To Edit an Event
- Click an event from the Events List
- Edit your event information into the form. Many of the fields are optional and may not be required. You don’t need to worry about the Yoast SEO section or anything below that.
- Once you have finished, click the Update button in the Publish panel on the top right hand side of the page
If you have any problems please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.